Compose the Future
Legacy Society
As the caretakers of the orchestra, now is the time for us to do our part to ensure future generations will have an orchestra to love and support.
The Legacy Society is a group of such individuals who have chosen to establish a legacy of their own by remembering the Philharmonic in their estate plans or with a planned gift. Members enjoy exclusive invites to backstage tours, open rehearsals and the annual Legacy Luncheon.
Contact Elizabeth Valkanas at 814.455.1375, ext. 114 or elizabeth@eriephil.org for additional information or seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
Wally Faas and Patty Holstein
“We have chosen to remember the Philharmonic in our estate plans because the orchestra has given us countless moments of joy and inspiration and others that were so moving they gave us goosebumps and, at times, tears.”
Top Two Ways to Leave Your Legacy
Will or Estate Plan
Make a legacy gift to the Philharmonic in your will or estate plan.
This is a straightforward yet impactful way to ensure the future of music for generations to come. It allows you the flexibility to adjust your will as life circumstances change, offering peace of mind alongside your commitment to the arts.
Incorporating a gift into your will or living trust can be as simple as adding one sentence, yet this act of generosity ensures that the Symphony's mission continues long into the future.
Consider the story of Bill and Samantha. When they first married, they included a $75,000 gift to the Philharmonic in their will. As their life circumstances evolved with the growth of their family, they revised their will. They met with their attorney and updated their contribution to a percentage of their estate instead of a fixed amount. This change ensured the financial security of their children while maintaining their support for the orchestra. Bill and Samantha found comfort in knowing their revised plans would care for their loved ones and continue to support the charitable cause close to their hearts.
Your planned gift is more than a contribution; it's a meaningful legacy that affirms your passion for music and dedication to the Philharmonic’s lasting presence in the community.
Beneficiary Designations
List the Philharmonic as a beneficiary of your IRA, retirement plan or life insurance policies.
Not everyone is ready to commit to a gift in their will or estate. For those looking for flexibility, beneficiary designations are an excellent option, applicable to:
IRAs and retirement plans
Life insurance policies
Commercial annuities
Making this type of gift is straightforward:
Obtain a change-of-beneficiary form from your plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or financial institution.
Decide the percentage (1 to 100) for the Philharmonic to receive and name us as a beneficiary along with the chosen percentage.
Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank, or financial institution.
Real-Life Impact
Tom and Sally have always valued their ability to support their children and the orchestra. When updating their will, they chose to leave stocks and real estate to their children and a $75,000 IRA to the Philharmonic. This decision ensures that the entire IRA benefits our mission, thanks to our tax-exempt status.
Had they left the IRA to their children, roughly $18,000* would have been lost to federal income taxes, leaving only $57,000 for their family. By adjusting their estate plan, Tom and Sally maximize their hard-earned money's impact.
*This assumes a 24% marginal income tax bracket.
Next Steps
Contact Elizabeth Valkanas at 814.455.1375, ext. 114 or elizabeth@eriephil.org for additional information on bequests or to chat more about the different options for supporting the Erie Philharmonic.
Seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
If you include the orchestra in your plans, please use our legal name and federal tax ID.
Legal Name: Erie Philharmonic
Address: 23 West 10th Street, Suite 3, Erie, PA 16501
Federal Tax ID Number: 25-6065898
Join Your Fellow Community Members
“The orchestra has given me countless hours of enjoyment, and I want to help make sure future Erie generations will have the same musical experiences. For this reason, I have made a provision in my will for a donation to the Philharmonic.”
Lisa Adams and Scott Gordon
Penny and Cle Austin
Susan and Don Baxter
Jean Bloom
Erika Berlin
Joan and Boyd Bert
Diana and John Brautigam
Tom and Susan Brooks
Noel Burgoyne
Julie Cella
Geri Cicchetti
Julie Chacona
Pete Clemens
Andy Connor
Pam and Dave Davis
Amy and Mark Denlinger
Kelly and Michael DeSanctis
Sally and Richard DiBacco
Judy Emling
Bonnie and John Enders
Eriez Magnetics
Wally Faas and Patty Holstein
Lorianne Feltz
Sabrina Fischer
Richard Flynn
Amy and David Fugate
Lisa Graff
Thomas B. Hagen
Mili and Tom Hanes
Charles and Barbara Harris
Nadia Havard
Robb Hoff
Derf and Rita Hopsecger
Emily and Charlie Ingram
Chuck Jarecki
Sandra Jarecki
Bonnie and Bruce Kern
Julie and John Knox
Gloria and Wally Knox
Linkty Luther
Michael Martin
Adam McClelland
Daniel Meyer
Scott Miller
Deb and Doug Murphy
Melany Myers
Joellen Nelson
Robert and Sandra Nelson
Donna and Bill Netkowicz
Joe Parlak
Maura and Carl Pelinsky
Bobbi Pollock
Kelly and Tom Reams
Lee Rexrode
Peggy and Al Richardson
Lois and Nels Sandberg
Yolanda Snyder
Norm Stark
Jamey and Jennifer Stewart
Raymond Stewart
Margaret Stolley
Janice Underhill
Cheryl and Tom Vicary
Lorraine and Hillert Vitt
Brian and Kate Weber
Linda Wilkinson
Sue and Dan Zimmerman
The information on this website is not intended as legal or tax advice. For such advice, please consult an attorney or tax advisor. References to tax rates include federal taxes only and are subject to change. State law may further impact your individual results.