Board of Directors and Governors
The Erie Philharmonic is governed by a dedicated and passionate 17-member Board of Directors. The Board of Governors serves as the eyes and ears of the Philharmonic, offering an unparalleled connection to the broader community.
FY25 Board of Directors
President Lisa Graff
Executive Vice President vacant
Vice President-Finance & Treasurer Debbie Lewis
Secretary vacant
Vice President & General Counsel Collen Stumpf
Vice President-Artistic Affairs Rob Hoff
Vice President-Education Rick Scaletta
Vice President-Events Dana Zaphiris
Vice President-Marketing Charlie Ingram
Vice President-Development Tom New
Immediate Past President Scott Miller
Chair, Board of Governors Philip Seaver-Hall
Musician Rep Whitney Clair
Interim Executive Director Tom Brooks
At Large Lisa Adams Gordon
At Large Jim Miller
At Large Ted Ely
FY25 Board of Governors
Philip Seaver-Hall Chair · Rebecca Jubulis Vice-Chair · Adam McClelland Secretary
Lisa Adams Gordon
Geri Cicchetti
Diana Denniston
John Downey
David Edgerton
Jenny Weigold Geertson
Cathy Gilham
Mili Chiang-Hanes
Rebecca Jubulis
Susan Kanonczyk
Duncan Lawrie
Scott Miller
Carl Moore
Melany Myers
Tom New
Susan Packard
Kelly Reams
Dick Reichel
Megan Reinbold
Richard Scaletta
Philip Seaver-Hall
Jamey Stewart
Heather Weibel
Jim Wertz
Linda Wilkinson
Penny Austin
Tammy Batchelor
Kevin Bennett
Diana Brautigam
Michael Burns
Jennifer Dearden
Michael DeSanctis
Sally DiBacco
Ted Ely
Amy Fessler
Rob Hoff
Curtis Jones Jr.
John Lyons
Jim Miller
Joellen Nelson
Stephen Reichard
Bette Reilly
Ainsley Showalter
Colleen Stumpf
Karen Thomas
Dana Zaphiris
Parris Baker
Bootsie Barbour
Dave Bull
Julie Cella
Whitney Clair**
Judy Emling
Wally Faas
Ben Feucht
Lisa Graff
Rebecca Grimaldi
Derf Hopsecgor
Mona Kang
Debbie Lewis
Michael Martin
Adam McClelland
Donna Netkowicz
Eddie Ocasio
Jennifer Stipe
Jessica Taylor
Lisa Adams Gordon*
Don Baxter*
Noel Burgoyne
John Enders
Christie Ferrier*
Thomas B. Hagen*
Charles Ingram*
Sandra Jarecki*
C. Bruce Kern II*
Wally Knox*
W. John Knox*
John Leuenberger*
Scott Miller*
Deborah Murphy*
Doug Murphy*
Pete Scibetta
Nick Scott
Daniel Zimmerman*
* Past President
** Musicians Rep